Diameter Gauging Unit 34-110

This unit can be added to either the single or double conveyor systems.
It allows the diameter of the components to be measured.
Using a similar system to the height detector the unit provides three possible output: Under size, over size, or the logical NAND of the two providing one input to the PLC for correct sized components.
The position of the parts probe is controlled by two sensors detecting top dead centre and bottom dead centre of the drive cam.
Acceptable tolerances for components can be preset. The addition of the second gauge unit allows programs of greater complexity to be developed. The programming of the detector is an excellent introduction to the use of logical detectors for in-process inspection and quality control.

    Inputs to PLC
  • Optical Proximity - 2
  • Vertical Gauge - 2
  • NAND Logical - 1
    Outputs from PLC
  • Gauge Motor - 1